Thursday, October 28, 2010

Podcast Management Options on Android

Being a little techie today. Here are my 1 day+ researches on the different types of podcast/feed managers for Android. Good Luck! There are plus and minus with all of them and my comments are based on how each program carters to my needs.

MyPOD (This is the one that I decided to download and tested for an extended period of time.)
*free with 6 feeds
*remote management from desktop and WIFI
*full version (£1.49)
*very few system permissions requirement: 2
*remote control from desktop, using default IP address. Interface is the same as appear on phone.
*still testing the FEED UPDATE options. It has the option update while plug-in or connected to the WIFI.
*dual player. 1/ Background Player 2/ Foreground Player. Great for multi-tasking and searches.

*open source
*donation by suggested amount (€10)
*ablilty to connect to your personal computer by WIFI; automatic WIFI/Lan/offline setting for sync./ transfer
*multi-task with background functions, such as, downloading and playing at the same time

Online Directory

*too much input for channels search whether than as a PODCAST manager app
*cant learn much about the app, lack video walk-through

*interface is a bit complicated, info overload.
*required too many system permissions for the app
*inconsistent feedbacks/ comments


*expensive for the price and beta version ($6.99 USD)
*negative feedbacks/coments on app
*small buttons (not intended for my use while driving)

Car Cast
* good big button
* very simple
* good price for $2.99
* automatically email acount download and sync. on smartphone-- would like to ask developer to implement permission request before automatic sync. BIG no for me!
* open source-- like the interface can be personalize under open source.

*it's google, again.
*convenience for linking, transferring and sync., but can't get over the fact that all data is stored by one company

Directory for PODCASTS

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mushrooms Founds

Here are some mushrooms that were found along some hiking trails, along the top of the crater lakes, close to Bend, OR and the northern western coast of CA. I will soon identify them with some help.
Mushroom : at Pauline Crater
Mushroom : at Pauline Crater
Mushroom : Columbia Gouge
Mushroom : Columbia Gouge
Mushroom : Redwood

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chicken of the Wood

"Chicken of the Wood" is the common name of Laetiporus, one of the edible mushroom. See the wiki references.
My friend found the full bodies of the mushroom at a nearby lake. They waited until bright orange before foraging. We cooked in garlic and olive oil with a handful of sliced onion. The texture is amazingly unique, unlike any other mushrooms' textures. It really almost has a meat texture. yummy!
Chicken of the Wood

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hispanic Bilingual Poetry Reading of Children & Childhood - sing/read

Lovely Poetry Reading
::left-right:: Readings, Poem translation by Gina Canepa. A Bilingual reading of poems from South America and song performances by Hugo Gonzalez. Singing and reading the joy and unfortunated childhood memories.
Every selected poems were beautifully read; lyrics through the singing are beautifully sang from the compassionate voice of Hugo Gonazlez. Part 1 was about the JOY and the innocent happiness of children. Part 2 reflected the dark and unfortunate time of some children. I was truly touched, disregard the fact the spanish is unknown to me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

RETRO fable: Grasshoppers and Ant Tale

Current EVENTS turn into fable remade. Which side do I belong to?
Story from Financial Times.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Love Locks, like "Letter to Juliet"

The movie, "Letter to Juliet" takes place in the city of Verona, Italy. If you have seen the movie, or have known about the ritual visit to Juliet's balcony, you are familiar with the love postings posted at the entry of Juliet's balcony. I found of series and chains of love locks around the city. With names of couples written on the locks, they are often found on the bridges.

(love postings @ Juliet's balcony)

(love locks on Verona's bridges)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Good alternative to itunes: Bubble Beats

Just read about this software: Bubble Beats on It is based on visual organization. Just like the good old days, where recalling a specific album on the shelf is easier than the name of the song.

Easy Non-Kneading Bread

Awesome Bread Recipe from NYTimes. Originated from a bakery in Brooklyn.
I have made it dozen of times and every time is a WOW factor. I vary the salt a bit depending who is coming over.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

my dead Basil attempt

My ATTEMPT to grow basil and to save a few bucks turn into disaster. Fungus, virus, bad weather... one or all of the above combination.
//// NOW: after 2.5 weels, one out four remains. basil in ICU.

my Parlsey in Process

This is my attempt to grow some herb and plant nurturing.
Week 1/////////////////////////////////
///////////Weather/Cloudy and not warm

Week 2 /////////////////////////////////
/////////// Weather/ Sunny and warm

Week 3 /////////////////////////////////
/////////// Weather/ Alot of Sun and use some

Friday, May 21, 2010

Upcycle/ Recycled to Origami

From a random side project of making origami sphere for my window decorations, this upcycle and recycled material of a soda bottle came across my path.
It is re-using the soda bottle material into an usable vessel.

Instruction can be found from Leyla Torres's Blog.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Underground Performance in Providence

Last night, I went to an amazing performance at the courtyard of some old mill buildings, "Building 16", in Providence. Believe it not, a little town in Providence, between some rehab mill buildings, has more creativity than you think. It is a successful experimental dance performance with amazing costumes, choreography, music and sarcastic plot. All music were coordinated with the speakers on the costumes, and car stereos. With one or two gigantic spot light lited from the roof, the ambiance and the building as backdrop are to remember.
"Rigorous Disco of Doom", by Jazz Hand Job. The dance group" "Jazz Hand Job" will be traveling to New Orleans for a couple of performances. I am glad that I glanced at their phenomenal preview.
Opening Scene:
Opening Scene

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Favorite Film: Choking Man

My new fav - "Choking Man" Dont let title distract you. It is not a horror or a terror film. Rather it shows the softer side of human emotions in our diverse society. The "choking man" is named after the required safety poster from health board in every restaurant. The story begins there.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Overflow creek RI Flood aftermath

Rushing body of water and the sign of crispy green leaves popping out the creek.
Frenchtown Road: Creek. Fortunately, no sign of damages in the area.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Todays' and Yesterdays' Textures

RI Floods: the calm after the storm

Just yesterday ( March 31, 2010), the water level rised and several low basin areas were overflooded due to the overwhelmed quantity of storm water. Here is the peaceful aftermath of the flood by the Rhode Island shoreline. Normally, this beach along the Narragansett Bay has small waves rolling against the shore. The bay/ beach is calm and it looks more a lake.

The beach was smoothed out with the water raised from yesterday. Smooth sand, few footprints and a hard edge of water line @ the roots.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Crocheted Neclace with Ribbon

After long time from not making anything, I got inspired from an old wooden sewing box. Inside, there is tons of tons little treasure from "back" in the great days of sewing. A pair of three level of stocked wooden draws fanned out like an accordion. It's great! You see everything in each wooden draws.

There inside are a couple spools of crocheting threads and one very very fine crochet hook. It scribed #14 (in this scale, the hook is finer with the number growing bigger, see picture below). And I found a edging ribbon for clothing edges. Not sure what is intended.

With the help of a great lady from the great days of sewing, Mrs. Buchman helped to crochet a pearl-shape form, ~3/8" diameter sphere for my necklace. She spent 20 minutes or so, figuring out for the corrected stitch to make a little sphere.

Making 5 spheres (~3/8" in diameter), using some #8 crochet thread.

Needle: #14 (very very small)
1st row: 7 chains (looped the end ch (8th ch) to the 1st ch); 1 dc
2nd row: 3 ch on 1 loop below (repeat twice for each chain below. here you are increase.); 1 dc
3rd row: 3 ch on each loop below (no repeat); 1 dc
4th row: 3 ch on every loop below (skip every other loop below--7 strands); 1dc
5th row: 1 dc

Crochet Necklace I
Crochet Necklace I

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

lizard visits @ Zoo

The past weekend, I went to bio-sphere dome with the theme of: Madagascar in the Zurich Zoo. It is free wandering forest environ with free wandering people and free birds and free monkeys jumping above our heads ( no cage, no fence). I found one of the beautiful wanders, hiding behind the bushes and leaves. There are three lizards that are found during the curved wander through the forest.
grun lizard
brown lizard
grun underside lizard
purple lizard

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tree Protectors: Comp Idea

Bamboo: Cone

Bamboo: Tunnel
Bamboo: Tunnel (context)

Bamboo: Wall Enclosure




Stone: Pavement

Built Environ: Bench

Visual Obstruction @ PS1

>>PS 1 Musuem, Long Island City, New York > Exhibition>Leandro Erlich: Swimming Pool

Since now the exhibition @ PS 1 is ending soon and it would ruin fewer people's surprise to the installation experience, I was very fond the experience of the swimming pool room below and the cross-confusion in first glance of the installation. At the time, my friends and I were the only one in the room and no one else was in the room. We experienced the confusion as the way intended by the artist. After walking through the patio wood steps to the space below, I came to the conclusion that the idea is quite ingenious. After spending some time inside the void, (aka swimming pool) and pretending to be a swimmer inside the void, my visit looking down at the swimming pool from the deck view was quite different. I have appreciated the installation much more. Both from its reflection of the subject and object and the concept of void and fill and from the constant alternation of the concept of subject and object are proudly presented.
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool-upview
Swimming Pool-upview2

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

random beats: techno

i listen to "all songs consider" podcast from time to time. sometime, the show has a mysterious way of bring all different types of music together in 1 show : classical, experimental, techno, indies.... etc.
this time, i really like their recommendation for "Pantha Du Prince", techno music from Berlin Germany.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Indie Band from Hong Kong: Kowloon Tong

"a certain romance from Kowloon Tong" from a Hong Kong Indie Band: "my little airport", ah "P" (music) and Nicole (vocal). Their lyrics and videos only express the most Hong Kong sarcastism, humor and general endless work-alcoholic attitude. Full of creativity and reflection of the current events and a piece of their life in HK. Their video/story is fun to watch with easy-going melody. Everything beyond the HK pop and lovey dovey crap.

This story describes ah "P"s personal messup with a friend that ended their friendship. In their website's description, this is a memoir of their friendship. [I say forgive and forget. Life is so short to hold grouches.]

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Line Logo: Polish Street Underground

>Polish Street Underground Control Logo>

Sexy lines!!!

weaving your everyday Plastic

This is part of the Eden Project near Cornwall. And it is amazing what our daily objects can morph into a defined message is sent. I think that they are potentials for other weaved projects, using used plastic bags in the future. Probably more sturdy than plastic tarp. I wonder.

Monday, February 15, 2010

geometry dress

{here is alexander kounty's collection with geometry forming as part of the fabric. really like it and the technique is fascinating to look at. specially treated fabric.}

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Imogen Heap: singer/song writer

I found this from current website. Her energy and spirit remind me of someone's deep passion. In many ways, Imogen Heap, reminds me of my friend, Simone. She is a British born artist who now live in LA. So happen, that they both have both big beautiful hair lock and similar facial gestures. Her voice is suiting and she integrates unique musical instruments from metal sheet to water pipe container as part of her performances.
Publish Post

Sunday, February 7, 2010

from the string quartet: Brooklyn Rider

I came across their music while I was looking up an artist from the "Brooklyn Rider Art Gallery". It turns out their music is very unique and fascinating with a mix of oriental instruments. Unique in this case, it is very appealing. Havent heard much from this end of the spectrum lately. Well respected group of musician. Listen at their website.

away from craft, to fine art

Golnar Adili's work is certainly inspiring. The folds that appear to behave like paper ... portrays such of identity shift. I interpreted as "the same, but different" concept as we are living in the cross- cultural environ where we have to constantly shift our identity.